Monday, May 28, 2012

The Diagnosis

So one of my test results came back and I have PCOS or also know as Polysystic ovary syndrome.  While this is something I suspect I've had for awhile I'm still stunned that it's now confirmed.  It does explain a lot of things that has been going on with my body for the last few years and it will make losing weight even much more harder.  I'll just have to work even harder!!
I'm also keeping my carbs lowered to around 100grams a day and I'm going to start being more diligent about it also.

So now on my reading list is

Much Love & Healthy Living!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Meet My Nemisis

Looks fairly innocent right?  Ha!!  Don't let it fool you, those stairs are the bane of my fitness existence and one I aim to conquer this year or die trying. 

I've done these stairs once and OMG  I about died, I did get applause when I made it to the top but that is only nice when you aren't preventing a coronary attack.

So today I started by taking those stairs baby brother, still up a hill but not as many stairs.  I still wanted to die but it wasn't as bad and getting Hi-5's from hubby at the top was sweet!!!

So almost a 5 mile walk today, including a tour of a fitness centre and a window shopping trip to The Running Room. I drooled over running shoes, looked at Fuelbelts and gym bags, Good Times!!!

How was your weekend?  

Much Love & Healthy Living!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Happy Day!!

I had two back to back job interviews today and by the time  I got home I got a solid offer from one of them.  I'm so happy. The pay isn't awesome but the health benefits are so I'm happy about that.  Plus they offer a discount to the closet fitness centre by them so I'll be joining a gym once we get back on track.  My hope is by mid-July for my birthday. 

Now I need to find a balance for work and working out/being healthy. I REFUSE to let my new goals take a back seat again. 

I had ordered compression shorts from Old Navy and they came in today and they are totally awesome:)  I got them in the largest non plus size and they are even slight large already Woot!!!  

I have a week until training stars so I'll be busy planning out lunches in advance, getting the apartment in order, and working out a lot. 

Tomorrow: Week 1 Day 3 of Couch to 5k and a nice long River Valley walk:)

Much Love & Healthy Living!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Turbo Jam

This morning I did a dvd of Turbo Jam instead of working on C25K.  I did the first dvd called Learn and Burn.

I really didn't think I'd get a decent workout but boy was I wrong!!! It was 30 minutes but I did sweat a bit and I'm sure I looked like a big dork trying to figure out the moves but I completed the session and I love it!!

This evening we went on a long walk and checked out a new Farmers Market.  Great walk that ended up being almost 1.5 hours too.

I'm hoping that eventually working out will be as natural to me as breathing.  :)

How was your healthy week?

Much Love & Healthy Living!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Another 1.5lbs bites the dust

I think lowering my carbs this past week has helped me a lot and made the scale finally budge again, Yayy!!!

I still hate my stomach, in fact I think that is my biggest complaint about my body.  However if I can lose more weight and start lifting weights with more cardio/running I think I will lose a significant portion of it before I head to surgery to get excess skin removed.  I CAN DO THIS!!

I'm currently reading 

Much Love & Healthy Living!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week 1 Completed But Probably to be Repeated

This morning was a mini C25K disaster.  First my earphones crapped out so I couldn't hear the voice prompts and then I just couldn't either finish the minute intervals or I had to skip them.  I was a very sad panda too.

So after buying a new pair of JVC sport headphones I have decided that I'll probably repeat week 1 starting on Tuesday morning. Tomorrow I'm taking a proper rest day and working on stretches, taking measurements and body photos and doing some reading.   My legs are so achy:(  

I'm still also having stomach/digestion issues and I've been waiting for about a month now for a phone call from a G.I. Specialist.  My doctor said he sent in a referral but I've yet to hear from anyone.  I still think its either I.B.S. or Crohn's. 

Much Love & Healthy Living!!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Great Day

First off, I really needs to get a compact camera that I can have on me at all time for photos. I don't have a iphone with a good camera so this is something I really need to look into.

We walked to the downtown farmer's market today.  Today was the first too they are outside so it was a perfect opportunity to check out what was available fruit and veggie wise.  We ended up not buying anything today but I did scope out lots of booths to try in the coming months.

My husband and I then walked over to the mall so i could look for a few things.  They have a boutique Sportchek there so I checked out a bunch of things, running shoes, socks and I tried on a fuelbelt.

Its a one size fits all item but it barely fit but I was happy it even just fit though I'm sure in the coming months I'd be able to tighten it up.  I'll be ordering it for running in the next few weeks.  I always have to carry water with me when I walk or run not matter the distance or length of time. I have a one bottle holder for less bouncy excursions.

This was my Mother's Day gift to myself this year

Yes purple is my power colour this year:)   

Much Love & Healthy Living!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Week 1 Day 2 Completed C25K

I got up fairly early today and instead of doing day 2 on the treadmill I decided to walk over to our muli-path trail and do my session there. 

I have to say it's a lot easier running on a path with intervals than on the treadmill.  I still had a hard time with the 1 minute jog/runs but not as bad as I wasn't having to fiddle with the controls to get a good pace.

Sunday I'll do day three as I have a long walk planned Saturday morning with a friend. 

Much Love & Healthy Living!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


I just completed Day 1 of Week 1 of Couch to 5k.  I had to skipped the last 1.5 jog intervals and had to pause to catch my breath a couple of times but I did complete it and next time I'll do even better:)


Much Love & Healthy Living!!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

River Valley Kind of Day

We went out this morning and walked down to the River Valley and along the river for awhile. I the end it was about 5miles total...I even took pictures, including one horrible one of myself with a walkers "high".

I look awful but I felt great:)   Also I have always hated having my photo taken but I do need to visually track my weight loss so I figure what the hell and just did it.
The second to the last photo shows part of the hill we walked back up.  Its really not that bad and it slopes pretty easy but it still kicks my butt.

I'll be doing this again tomorrow too !!!  My goal is to make it up that hill w/out stopping

Also omg!! I super want my fridge looking like this

I also have a Tumblr now though I'm not sure why lol. You can check it out HERE

Much Love & Healthy Living!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Two Years Ago

Two years ago I got my weight down to 236lbs.  Then I was laid off and got depressed and then soon after I discovered online gaming. 

If I can lose 17lbs then I'll be back down to that end weight. So that is my short term goal; to get down to 236 in the next 10 weeks. 

My next mini goal after that will be to get down to 199  

I CAN do this :)

Much Love & Healthy Living

Sunday, May 6, 2012

So far

My weight in was a bit wonky yesterday so I'm going to mostly ignore it..I didn't gain but the loss was insignificant so I don't even remember what it was.

This past week I had two job interviews and I have another on Tuesday. I'm 99.9% sure I'll get at least one offer out of the three to so I'm quite excited. 

I'm still eating super healthy.  Cutting out most if not all junky food though carbs aka bread is still killing me big time.

I'm starting my weight lifting program on May 14th and also that week or a week after I'll be starting P90X

 Yep, I'm pretty sure one of them will be the death of me too lol but I'm still going to do them both.  the dvd's will be nice when its too hot for me to work out in the gym or outside, Woohoo for air conditioners!!

Yesterday I walked 4.92 miles and today though I didn't log mileage I did walk for 45 minutes.

Will start logging meals tomorrow

Much Love & Healthy Living!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What I'm reading

I love my kindle to pieces but I actually went to my closest bookstore and picked up this book. It has correct position lifting photos so I wanted to see it better then I'd be able to do on the Kindle.

I've been wanting to add some strength training to my workout routine and this came highly recommended. I will review when I'm finished.

I had a job interview today and I think it went well. I should know in a week or so if I got the position or not. I have another job interview tomorrow morning too:)

And because I know you all want to know /sarcasm I'm going to try and start posting my weekly food diary on here.   I keep it separate on My Fitness Pal but I thought maybe I can make myself a bit more accountable by posting here also.

Much Love & Healthy Living!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Maxi Dresses- Love 'em or Hate 'em

Personally, I'm not a fan of them but I really love this dress from Addition-Elle

Of course because I'm not a maxi dress kind of girl I'm going to have it shortened   lol 

On some good new front: I have three job interviews scheduled within the next week.  I'm so excited that positive things are starting to happen for me  :)

I also picked up a book today on Weight training for Women..No, I dont want be all uber muscled but I'd love to tone while I'm losing weight.

Much Love & Healthy Living!!


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